With the Code of Conduct, we have established rules of conduct that serve as a basis and orientation for compliant behavior and are intended to make it easier for us to deal with the large number of different regulations. It is intended to inform us about the main legal rules of conduct and thus help us identify legal risks and avoid legal violations.
If these rules of conduct are violated, this misconduct can often only be uncovered by whistleblowers. They thus make an important contribution to the detection and punishment of misconduct.
You can report incidents anonymously or confidentially via this whistleblower portal - regardless of whether you are a permanent employee or not. We are thus fulfilling the legal obligation arising from the Whistleblower Protection Act.
The protection of whistleblowers who have obtained information about violations in connection with their professional activities or in the run-up to professional activities and report or disclose them is guaranteed by law.
There are several categories available to you for the assignment of your tip. Please select the appropriate category for your report. Depending on the report, your information will be processed confidentially by trained colleagues.
The following categories are available:
- Violations of principles of conduct in the workplace and of human rights.
This includes violations of working conditions as well as violations of human rights. For example:
- Discrimination
- Mobbing
- Unequal treatment
- harassment
- disrespectful treatment
- Working time violations
- Money Laundering
Money laundering includes any activity in which criminally generated proceeds are funneled into and through the financial cycle for subsequent use in a legal-looking activity. Money laundering aims to ensure that it remains unknown at all times that criminal assets are involved.
- Privacy
This includes all breaches involving regulations on the protection of personal data and cases of unlawful disclosure of trade and business secrets. Examples:
- misuse of data
- unauthorized disclosure of employee/customer data to third parties
- "Theft" or unlawful disclosure of data to unauthorized third parties
- insufficient access protection to sensitive data
- Environmental protection
Environmental protection includes any environmental crimes and environmental damage For example:
- Illegal waste disposal
- improper handling of pollutants
- Water, soil or air pollution
- Embezzlement
This includes all property crimes to the detriment of the company. For example:
- Theft or embezzlement of company property.
- Withholding of company funds or work materials
- personal enrichment
- Conflicts of interest
This includes situations in which employees' personal interests conflict with the company's interests and the company suffers damage as a result.
- Manipulation of business documents
This includes offenses such as the falsification of operational and business documents. For example: unauthorized creation or falsification of invoices, credit memos, financial statements, audit trails, etc.
- Other legal violations
This includes all other violations of criminal or fine regulations.
If you want to increase your own protection, you can follow these tips:
- The portal can be accessed freely on the internet via the link hr.neumannmueller.com/whistleblowing.
- Use a terminal device for the report that is not located in the company network.
- Do not use a device that has been provided to you by the company.
- Do not use phrases or abbreviations that you frequently use in conversations, e-mails or chat messages.
- Lowercase all words.